Summer’s a Great Time to Fix Your Child’s Ears
- Posted on: Jun 15 2019
Kids don’t usually pay much attention to the appearance of other kids. They’re too self focused. But if there is something that truly is noticeable, then kids can be all over it. This can be the case if your child’s ears protrude away from the head. Children instantly fixate on ears that protrude too far, or are too large or misshapen. And this attention can be a confidence crusher for a child.
But Dr. Amirlak can perform ear surgery to easily correct this issue before it impacts your child’s self-esteem. This summer is a great time to do it before Dallas kids go back to school in the fall.
What is otoplasty?
Otoplasty is the clinical term for this surgery to correct the ears. The procedure goal is to reshape the ears or reposition them into a more desirable position. Usually, otoplasty is performed to “pin” the ears into a position closer to the head. Conveniently, in this instance the incisions, and future scarring, can be hidden in inconspicuous places.
Who are good candidates for ear surgery?
During your consultation with Dr. Amirlak, he will determine if your child is a good candidate for the procedure. Parents usually consider having the procedure when the appearance of a child’s ears starts to affect his or her confidence. This usually will be the case when the child enters first grade. By the age of 4, the ears are basically finished growing, so surgery can be performed. Other people are born with natural ear defects and opt for reconstructive ear surgery. In adults, torn earlobes due to injury, trauma, or a period of wearing earrings that are much too heavy are the more prevalent reasons for having otoplasty.
Otoplasty procedure
During ear pinning surgery, an incision is made behind the ear to gain access to the cartilage. Once the cut is made, the ear cartilage is then recontoured while excess skin in the area is removed. After the ear is repositioned much closer to the head, the surgical cut is closed with sutures or dissolvable stitches. Other types of otoplasty will involve reconfiguring of the ear shape and are, by nature, more involved.
Generally, recovery is not very difficult, especially for fast-healing children. The recovery of self-esteem is even easier!
Don’t count on kids to do the right thing and not tease a child with protruding ears. Dr. Amirlak can easily correct the condition for your child. Call us at (214) 974-4948 to schedule a consultation for ear surgery.
Posted in: Otoplasty